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Neck and Décolleté Oil



This oil is impressively effective at smoothing and plumping wrinkled or leathery skin on the upper chest or neck. A long researched blend of plant oils chosen for their high concentration of gamma linoleic acids and anti-oxidants. It will greatly improve an existing leathery and wrinkled skin problem on the chest or neck but will also help prevent future wrinkling if used pre-emptively. Use this oil every day in gentle sweeping motions and see results within weeks. This is a woman’s best weapon against skin ageing in these areas.

Ideal for: lines on neck and chest or ‘Turkey Neck effect” for the over forty-fives or start using at around age 35 to 40 as a preventative product.

Neck and Décolleté Oil

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Ingredients: Cold pressed organic oils of borage, rose-hip seed and apricot kernel. Sunflower oil. High grade essential oils of rose and frankincense.